
SCECGS Redlands Limited

The School is owned and operated by SCECGS Redlands Limited – a public company limited by guarantee.

Redlands is committed to good governance practices which underpin the ability of our School to provide a world class educational experience for our students.

The Board of SCECGS Redlands Limited

The Board of
SCECGS Redlands Ltd.

The School is governed by a Board of Directors. The roles and responsibilities of the Board are described in the Company Constitution and in the Redlands Board Charter.

Under the Company Constitution, the Board is comprised of not less than seven, nor more than twelve Directors who are all non-executive Directors. Between four and six Directors are elected by the members of SCECGS Redlands Limited. At each AGM, one third of the Directors elected by the Company retire from office and are eligible for re-election. Between two and four Directors are nominated by the Board and four Directors are nominated by the Anglican Diocese of Sydney. All Directors are considered to be responsible persons who are “fit and proper” under Sn 47(b) of the Education Act 1990 (NSW). 

The Board
of Directors

The Board seeks to be composed of a diversity of directors who have the ability to make a contribution to the School through their experience, qualifications, talents and commitment to the School.

Professor Glenn Wightwick

Glenn is the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Enterprise at the University of Technology Sydney. He has worked in research and innovation in higher education for ten years and has more than 30 years’ experience in information technology.

Jane Anderson

MMgmt, PGDip Bank
Jane is currently an Executive General Manager, Corporate Affairs for an insurance company. She has more than 20 years’ corporate affairs experience in financial services including insurance, banking, superannuation and asset management.

Kylie Binnekamp

BBus, DipLaw (LPAB), GradDip Legal Practice Kylie is currently a Company Director and Practice Manager for a private medical practice. She has over 13 years legal experience practising as a solicitor.

Patricia (Paddy) Carney

BSc (Hons), FCA
Paddy is a senior partner at PwC Australia. She has over 30 years’ experience providing assurance and related services to listed companies, private companies and multi-nationals in the UK, Australia and Asia-Pacific. She has extensive director experience, has been a member of the Global Board of the PwC network since 2017 and is currently a Director of the Committee for Economic Development of Australia (CEDA).

Amy Cheung (Class of 1990)

Amy is a senior executive with over 28 years’ experience in innovation, management consulting, digital marketing and general management and is a Redlands alumna. She is the founding director of Con Moto, a management consulting company focusing on helping start-ups, entrepreneurs and businesses grow in the digital age, and previously held senior roles in Telstra and AAPT.

Megan Coall

Megan is a lawyer with over 15 years’ experience working in law firms in Sydney and London. She mainly advises corporate clients on mergers and acquisitions and other commercial transactions, particularly in the energy and resources sector.

Christian Cooksley

BScArch, B.Arch
Christian is a Director of an Architecture firm based in Sydney. He has over 20 years’ experience working on the design and delivery of both multi-unit residential and large commercial projects in Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom.

Peter Gold

B Comm
Peter is a Managing Director of Archer Capital – a private equity investment company of which he was a founding team member in 1997. After taking majority ownership positions in businesses, his company establishes and executes focused strategic plans that have achieved outstanding outcomes. He is also a significant shareholder and Chairman of Future Super, and an active investor and supporter of other climate impact businesses and projects. Previous roles include investment banking experience with Morgan Stanley in New York, and he has qualified as an Associate of the Institute of Actuaries of Australia.

Josh Heller

Josh has 20 years’ experience in the financial services industry, with senior executive experience in banking, funds management, strategy and risk management. He is currently Head of Solutions at Challenger Limited, an ASX listed financial services company.  He is a director of an AFSL holder, the Redlands Scholarship Trust and previously held a directorship of a trustee company.  Josh is also a member of the Foundation Advisory Committee.

Grahame Petersen

Grahame has 35 years’ experience in the financial services industry, with senior executive experience in banking, strategy, risk management, investment, technology and cultural change. He has been a director of a number of financial services companies since 1999, is currently a Director of Mary MacKillop Today and is engaged in coaching and community roles.

Reverend Greg Webster

B App Sc, B Theol, MEd (Ed Psych)
Greg is currently Rector of Christ Church Lavender Bay. He has over 30 years’ experience in education at both tertiary and secondary level. He has served in academic and pastoral leadership positions in the independent schooling sector. His current research interest is in neuroscience, feedback and metacognition in learning.

Juliet Wenden

BAcc, DipSupMgt, AMusA, FASFA
Juliet has 25 years’ experience working in the superannuation industry. She is the Executive Officer of Anglican Super, the superannuation fund specifically designed for staff in the Anglican Church across Australia. Juliet is a Fellow of the Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia.

The Role
of the Board

The role of the Board is to effectively represent and promote the interests of the School with a view to adding long term value to the School as an educational enterprise.

The Board is responsible for setting and reviewing the strategic direction of the School as well as monitoring the implementation of that strategy by management.

  • Appoint the Principal and monitor performance.
  • Establish the vision and strategic direction of the School.
  • Support the School Executive and management in the implementation of that vision and strategic direction.
  • Ensure that the resources necessary for the achievement of those goals are available.

How the Board Operates

The Board meets each month and works closely to support the School Executive and management.

An increasing amount of the Board’s work is conducted through the directors in standing committees and interim working groups according to the issues at hand.

Board Standing Committees include Nominations and Governance; Finance and Audit; Risk Oversight; and Physical Resources. 


The Board operates under a key governing document or Constitution.

The Constitution describes a range of governance powers and processes including: the objects of the Company, Membership, structure and powers of the Board of Directors, processes for meetings and reporting obligations.

Annual Reports 

Our Annual Report provides comprehensive information on the progress and performance of our School as well as student academic and cocurricular achievements.  Annual Reports include data required to be published under Australian Government and NSW Board of Studies regulations and can be found here:

Annual Reports

Company Membership
and Application

Members of SCECGS Redlands Ltd attend the Company AGM and vote on the election of Board Directors and other matters.  Members of the Company do not have an economic interest in the assets or operating surplus of the Company or the School and are not entitled to any dividends or other payments. The Board has developed a policy to guide its review of membership applications. Individuals who are active current members of our School Community can apply to be a Member by completing the Membership Application form below and returning it to:


The Company Secretary,
SCECGS Redlands Limited
272 Military Road
Cremorne  NSW  2090